Xin chào! I am a Research Fellow at Air Traffic Management Research Institute, Nanyang Technologcial University (NTU). Before joining NTU, I was a Research Scientist at Preferred.AI. I completed my PhD at SMU School of Computing and Information Systems, supervised by Prof. Hady W. Lauw. My dissertation is on Recommendation Explanation, providing rationale for given recommendations. My research interests include web mining, recommender systems, and trustworthy artificial intelligence.

Previously, I was a Software Engineer at KMS Technology. Earlier, I completed my bachelor degree at VNU-HCM University of Science, during which I had a stint as Research Asistant at VNU-HCM John von Neumann Institute.

I am grateful of the following supportive scholarships that helped me afford my study: SMU Full Scholarships, SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship, 2020 SDSC Dissertation Research Fellowship.