2024-09-23: Paper "Question-Attentive Review-Level Explanation for Neural Rating Regression" is accepted at ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST).
2024-09-08: Paper "Learning to Rank Aspects and Opinions for Comparative Explanations" is accepted for presentation at the ACML 2024 Journal Track (Machine Learning Journal).
2024-09-02: Started Research Fellow at Air Traffic Management Research Institute (ATMRI), Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
2024-06-04: Paper accepted at EDBT-25, titled "Selecting Comparative Sets of Reviews Across Multiple Items"
2024-05-13: Served The ACM Web Conference 2024 in Singapore as a Technical Supporter
2023-12-14: Paper accepted at ECIR-24, titled "Hypergraphs with Attention on Reviews for Explainable Recommendation"
2023-03-13: Started Research Scientist@Preferred.AI
2022-12-16: Tutorial accepted at TheWebConf-23 (also known as WWW-23), titled "Multi-Modal Recommender Systems: Towards Addressing Sparsity, Comparability, and Explainability"
2022-11-29: Dissertation Defense, titled "Mining Product Textual Data for Recommendation Explanations"
2022-10-25: Paper accepted at IEEE BigData 2022, titled "Question Attentive Review-Level Recommendation Explanation"
2022-08-15: Teaching Assistant for SMU COR-IS1702 Computational Thinking
2022-07-28: Presenting poster of paper "Synthesizing Aspect-Driven Recommendation Explanations from Reviews" at SDSC Industry Demo Day Session on July 28, 2022
2022-04-14: Teaching Assistant for SMU CS608 Recommender Systems (MITB)
2022-01-17: Attended Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2022
2022-01-10: Teaching Assistant for SMU COR-IS1702 Computational Thinking
2021-11-22: Released 4EAZ 4eaz.com - An app to help you manage your workplace (retail or service).
2021-08-16: Awarded the AY2020-21 SCIS Dean's List in recorgnition of significant research achievements
2021-08-03: Passed Dissertation Proposal, titled "Mining Product Textual Data for Recommendation Explanations"
2021-07-02: Awarded the SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship in Academic Year 2021/2022
2021-05-03: Teaching Assistant for SMU CS608 Recommender Systems (MITB)
2021-03-08: Attended WSDM 2021 online
2021-01-12: Attended Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2021
2021-01-11: Distinguished Paper Award at IJCAI'20 for "Synthesizing Aspect-Driven Recommendation Explanations from Reviews"
2021-01-11: Attended IJCAI 2020 online
2020-10-16: Paper accepted at WSDM-21, titled "Explainable Recommendation with Comparative Constraints on Product Aspects"
2020-09-11: Zooming in on TechFest2020 by Preferred.AI
2020-08-17: Teaching Assistant for SMU CS201 Data Structures and Algorithms (BSc)
2020-07-10: Awarded the SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship in Academic Year 2020/2021
2020-04-20: 1st conference paper has been accepted at IJCAI2020
2019-12-15: Won Top-2 in Emotion Recognition Challenge (ERC 2019) organized by VNU-HCM University of Science, with Tuan Truong
2019-12-09: Together with Tuan Truong, we made Top-3 in Zalo AI Challenge 2019 @ Hit Song Prediction
2019-12-08: Give a talk at Preferences and Recommendations from Data & AI event at VNU-HCM University of Science
2019-12-07: Sub 2h half marathon at Techcombank Ho Chi Minh City International Marathon 2019
2019-08-19: Teaching Assistant for SMU COR-IS1702 Computational Thinking
2019-04-09: Passed PhD Qualifying Exam
2018-01-08: Joined PhD Program at SMU School of Information Systems
2017-07-09: Attended Bioinformatics Summer School 2017 (Jul. 9-15, 2017)
2017-06-17: (Contest) Semi final round Entropy - Data Analytics Competition
2016-03-07: Started working at KMS Technology Vietnam
2015-11-11: Graduated from Advanced Program in Computer Science, VNU-HCM University of Science
2015-09-06: (Activity) Attended the 13th ASEAN and 3rd ASEAN+3 Youth Culture Forum (AYCF+3) at Philipines hosted by De La Salle University (Sep. 6-11, 2015)
2015-05-12: (Intern) Research Assistant at John von Neumann Institute, VNU-HCM
2014-11-13: (Activity) President of Guitar HCMUS Club
2014-11-03: (Activity) Organizer of APCS Tech Talk activity
2014-07-06: (Volunteer) Started working at English Speaking Club of Youth Culture House, HCMC (ESCY)
2014-03-23: (Volunteer) Techcamp 2014
2013-07-06: (Volunteer) BarcampSaigon 2013
2013-05-22: (Volunteer) HackDay - HCMC 2013
2012-05-04: (Volunteer) APCS Hackathon 2012 - Mobile Platform Programming Contest in 48 hours
Total 52 items